Nature-Based Solutions for Water Management in the Peri-Urban

Case Studies

Overview Map

The case studies undertaken in this project, where the NATWIP assessment framework will be applied to explore the problems and prospects of NBS for sustainable water management in the peri-urban, are diverse in nature. In order to visualize similarities and differences between the case study sites, a map portal has been developed under workpackage 3, which can be accessed here.

This portal provides the locations of the case study sites as well as information about the water-based problem they are facing, and the NBS they are planning or implementing as a way to address this problem. Drawing on publicly available data (e.g. Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center from NASA), several different layers have been added to the map in order to visualize the main climatic, demographic and environmental differences between them.

Datasets include relatively simple components such as precipitation and population density, as well as more complex components such as environmental performance indicators related to biodiversity and water effects on humans and the environment.

In addition to these global datasets, the portal shares site-specific data on watersheds, outlets and areas of special interest (e.g. landfills) for some of the cases. The map provides the opportunity to visually compare sites before and after intervention.

Link to Map Portal: